Personal Injury Law Advocates: Chennai…

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Personal Injury Law Advocates: Chennai Law Forum Chennai Law Forum is a well-known law firm in Chennai, India, specializing in personal injury law. Their team of experienced personal injury law advocates has helped many clients seek compensation for injuries sustained in accidents. Let’s take a closer look at what sets Chennai Law Forum apart when […]

Health Law: Advocates for Medical…

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Health Law: Advocates for Medical Disputes in Chennai Law Forum Good health is one of the most fundamental human needs, and the law plays a crucial role in ensuring that individuals have access to quality healthcare services. In Chennai, India, the legal community is working tirelessly to promote the rights of patients and ensure that […]

Deduction of Tax at Source…


Deduction of Tax at Source – Payments to non-resident sports Association represented their income which accrued or arose or was deemed to have accrued or arisen in India, liable to deduct Tax at source in terms of S.194-E of the Act.

Matrimonial litigation – Furnishing of…


Matrimonial litigation – Furnishing of pop affidavit of assets, income and expenditure – Family Courts directed to insist upon parties to furnish affidavit of assets, income and expenditure in prescribed format in matrimonial case

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