Accident Claims Lawyers in India

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Accident Claims Lawyers in India In India, accident claims law is a developing area. While the country has a long history of personal injury litigation, accident claims law is relatively new and still in its early developmental stages. This article will provide an overview of the current state of accident claims law in India and […]

CESTAT Lawyers in Chennai.

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CESTAT Lawyers in Chennai. Customs, Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal (CESTAT): Its power is to grant compensation owing to unlawful action of revenue authorities, review its own order as any quasi-judicial authority cannot review its own order, exercise powers beyond statute as it is a creature of statute only. It cannot issue writs or […]

Armed Forces Tribunal Lawyers in…


Armed Forces Tribunal Lawyers in Chennai India. Find the Best Law Firm for Armed Force Tribunal Attorneys in South India. Top-Rated Advocates for Armed Forces Tribunal to resolve all your issues instantly. The Parliament of India passed The Armed Forces Tribunal Act 2007. This led to the formation of Armed Forces Tribunal (AFT) with the […]

Cheque Bounce Cases: Supreme Court…


Cheque Bounce Cases: Supreme Court issues guidelines, asks government to amend Laws. Supreme Court said that for the past many years, the court has been flooded with Cheque Dishonor complaints that may not be decided in a reasonable period and “Gargantuan Pendency Complaints has had a worst effect on disposal of other Criminal cases.” To […]

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