Memorandum of Understanding: Chennai Law…

Memorandum of Understanding: Chennai Law Forum

Memorandum of Understanding: Chennai Law Forum In the heart of India’s legal landscape, a new dawn emerges — the Memorandum of Understanding: Chennai Law Forum. Welcome to a realm where legal prowess converges with strategic collaboration, where the legal fraternity in Chennai finds a unified voice and a collective purpose. This is not merely a […]

Armed Forces Tribunal (AFT): The…

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Armed Forces Tribunal (AFT): The trial or adjudication by the Armed Forces Tribunal of complaints and disputes with respect to service matters, related to the individuals subjected to the Army Act, 1950, the Air Force Act 1950, the Navy Act, 1957. The matters include- commission, enrollment, appointment, confirmation, probation, seniority, promotion, training, premature retirement, reversion, […]

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