Lawyers for Industrial Law in…

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Lawyers for Industrial Law in Chennai Law Forum Understanding Industrial Law: This is a legal area that governs the relationships between employers, employees, and trade unions. This area of law is important because it helps to ensure that workers are treated fairly and that their rights are protected in the workplace. In Chennai, there are […]

Industrial Tribunal (IT): It is…

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Industrial Tribunal (IT): It is to provide suitable machinery for the equitable and peaceful settlement of industrial disputes, to prevent illegal strikes and lockouts, to afford relief to workers against layoffs, retrenchment, wrongful dismissal and victimization, to promote collective bargaining Act establishing the Tribunal: The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947the Appellate Court for Industrial Tribunal (IT) […]



How ESMA is EFFECTIVE? India has contributed significantly since the era of important service maintenance laws, 1968. It is an effective tool in the hands of the government during the pre-liberalized days to prevent service disruptions by strike workers. Asking action throughout the country is also easier because most countries are ruled by one party. […]

TESMA – Tamil Nadu Essential…


TESMA – Tamil Nadu Essential Service and Maintenance Act: In Tamil Nadu, Esma is the most famous and sensational event. In 2003, after a general strike by the government and government officials, the Tamilnadu government asked ESMA to eliminate 170, 000 staff. Then, certain assistance is given and the number of workers deleted ultimately decreases […]

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